There are many ways you can help our program…

Support Our Riders

We have a variety of ways that we raise funds…

  • The RTRA Annual Fundraiser is held in the Spring of each year, which includes a silent and live auction, has become part of our community tradition. A family event, which includes a dinner, entertainment, raffles and games and raises an average of $15,000.00, depending upon donations over and above the funds from the auctions. For information contact:
  • The Association participates in community events whenever possible and such other activities as may benefit the program.

To make an online DONATION CLICK HERE

Sponsor a horse

Our horses and tack are invaluable to the program. There are specific items which we are in need of and are always very grateful to receive as donations. Some of the items we require specifically for our horses: *View Our Wish List*

Please visit Our Horses to see the equine team. If you would like to sponsor a horse or make a donation specifically to the care of one or more of them, please contact us.

Become a member

We need your help to continue to provide quality therapeutic programs. Each of our riders is treated as an individual, with special attention given to helping him or her overcome particular difficulties through the use of the horse as therapy.

Individuals coming together with a common purpose can make a huge and positive impact on people’s lives. Please consider helping us to help others by donating a little more than your membership fee, or by contributing to an initiative of your choice.

By helping these young people lead fuller, better lives, you are helping to build our society for the future. We know that together we can make a difference. Please join our team! As a member or donor, you will receive a quarterly newsletter recognizing your support and keeping you up to date with our many activities and special events.


Volunteer your time

Help us with our fundraising events

In 2005 the Richmond Therapeutic Riding Association formed a committee to assist the program’s volunteer Board of Directors and staff with the very busy job of raising funds. Providing a quality Therapeutic Riding program is very expensive and requires the work of many. Parents whose children participate in the program are required to assist with fundraising efforts by providing their contact information to the Committee. A Parent Representative will keep the families up to date and informed of the Society’s fundraising activities and will ask for assistance from time to time.

If you would like to assist RTRA in our fundraising activities, please contact us.


Thank you for your support.

Our Community Partners & Sponsors